One of the best parts of being on the Admin end of events is getting to crunch the metrics.
With ZERO "official" Game Masters we were able to run 40 games over the 4 days. 9 of those did not actually kick off, 4 was due to lack of players and 5 were because the GM's overbooked themselves and players were rolled into another game.
We did get monetary donations through the event. The best donations were the books. Yarro Publishing donated an endless scroll map and a giant book of maps. We got a huge donation that included some neat Robotech books. We also got 3 DnD donations including an electronic board game. Trollish, one of our GM’s, donated a second of the huge Yarro map books, plus some other games he doesn’t have an interest in.
We were able to recruit a few people to our discord server and have added them to our GM pool. This is a huge step. We have been invited to Sakuracon which is on the same weekend as Norwescon, so we will be splitting our GM's between the two events.
Expect to see some more interviews with new RPG creators in 2022. We only have one more open space for 2021!
The convention review is short, as I didn't spend a huge amount of time. It was small. It took up about 1/2 the 4th floor, including the skybridge and into the WSCC/Annex, plus the 6th floor. They divided the great rooms into their A and B sections. B section was either the queue area, a sitting area, or the BYOC area.
It was like a giant indie area. The indie booths had a ton of space, so it was weird to see so many indie games spread out over such a huge space and not crammed into the tiny nook they usually are squished. The majority of them had lines, which was nice to see.
I think the TTRPG area had the steadiest flow and attendee retention. YAY us.
That about covers it.
See you on Sunday when we interview Greg Stolze!