October is booked full!
We are doing 3 events.
Grit City Comic Show, October 9th
Tacoma Art Walk's Undead Market October 23 and 24 (2-9pm)
And lastly Dragonflight, Oct 30 and 31st.
We have 3 interviews also!
Todd Crapper Oct 3rd (sorry for the short notice)
John Schmitt Oct 10th
and Ulysses Duckler on Oct 24th (that is going to be a busy day!)
Thank you to Mike P. for the AMAZING stack of RPGs. We do not have most of these so this is a super exciting donation. The Chief Librarian plans to do a long stream talking about the books that have been donated once he returns.
Happy Goth Art created a new digital painting for the library. Expect it to show up on shirts in November, when things calm down. We wish we could get it up before then, but it is not in the cards this year.
We may not have time for another update until November. So we hope to see you on our Twitch Stream or various social media accounts.
Thank you for your support this past month.