We are looking for GMs to help out at events.

PAX West 2019 Approaches

Hello again!

I wanted to share some new information.

  1. I have uploaded a video to our Patreon account. We received a very cool donation during Dragon Flight which I unboxed. I also showed off three other games we received that week. You can support us by becoming a Patreon supporter. The video is only for Patreon supporters at this time, it will be watchable for everyone after PAX West, still only accessible via Patreon.

  2. PAX West is quickly approaching. I hope to have a schedule of games up for everyone soon. That way you can see what we are offering and decide what you want to play or what game you might want to block off some time for.

  3. I added a few companies to the Donor Page! C4Labs.com has given us a large number of dice trays and towers over the past few years. They are creating a plaque for our main event! I also added R. Talsorian Games. They have kindly donated money to help us get to events in the past. There are so many others that we should add. I just wish I knew who they were.

  4. What kind of stuff would you like us to cover in the future? Book reviews (what should we focus on?) Basic tutorials? Book unboxings? Conversations with our DM/GM’s? Let us know so we can make it happen.

See you at PAX West! We will be in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, on 8th and Olive. The table top area has really grown and they have their own expo area with vendors.
