This is Carissa, aka the Librarian’s wife.
This is a status update.
As many of you know the Chief Librarian is out of the country serving in the US Military. This means that ALL the things he was doing have become the responsibility of those of us who are still state side. Of course we have NO CLUE how much stuff the Chief had going on and we have been slow to pick up the slack.
Well, we have finally gotten things some what sorted out and are going to do our best to keep you wonderful people informed as to what is going on.
You will see we added a few new items to our Navigation bar. This blog AND a schedule! As we get confirmation for events we will be adding them for you to see.
For those of you who are wonderful Patreon supporters, I am still trying to get that going. We are working on getting you some super special surprises. I am so excited.
Right now (literally) we are at DragonFlight, in Bellevue, WA. The Hilton Bellevue is the venue. We are on the first floor, right off the elevators. We have a small portion of the library with us this weekend, and have had a WONDERFUL time talking to all the attendees that have stopped by.
Our display table, with some attractive offerings.
Some of our sexy RPG accessories. The dice are amazing <3
One of the bookshelves with books. Feng Shui anyone? Maybe Call of Cthulu?