6 weeks! PAX West is in 6 weeks. This is our first official convention this year.
We are looking for volunteers to volunteer to GM games or just man “the booth.” Fill out this form if you are interested, we can really use the help.
The bonuses of being a volunteer are up in the air right now. So please be aware that the perks are not going to be the same as last year. Austerity is going to be a theme for conventions for a little bit.
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We have been working hard to keep things going, without conventions.
We have been scheduling social media posts. The goal is 3 game posts a week, plus any Twitch streams we have scheduled. You can see what we have been up to by checking out our social media accounts.
We have done some amazing, fun, and awesome interviews. You should be able to watch the VOD's on Twitch. They are backed up and will be uploaded to Youtube eventually. Time is at a premium right now.
Past Interview streams:
June 20 - Peter with Roll for Kindness
June 27th - Xiodraven, a fellow creator on Patreon
July 18th - Byron, a long time RPG player
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Scheduled Interview Streams: 11am Pacific Time
July 25 - LibrariaNPC with GhastBashers
August 1st - Mike and Milly with Zelda: Reclaim the wild.
August 15th - tentative interview with a creator from Europe
Everything is starting to move again. It is just going to take a bit to get over the inertia. Thank you for your patience and continued support. We would not make it through this without you. All the likes, shares, views, help a ton. Your time has also been invaluable.
Thank you and we will actually get to see you in 6 weeks!!