Virtual Games in Honor of ECCC

We have some virtual games going on this weekend in Honor of ECCC postponing their event.

One of our amazing DM’s has set up some games on Roll20 for us. If you are interested in playing a game from the safety of your home here is the schedule.

Here is a link so you can sign-up :)

** All times are PDT**

  • Thur, March 12 at 3:30pm, begin the game session by 4, to around 7pm - [Starfinder RPG] non-standard Starfinder Society adventure (Quests: Into the Unknown, and/or #1-01: The Commencement)

  • Fri, March 13 at 2:30pm to around 5:30pm - Fate: Alexandria's Library, or Fate: Gods and Monsters

  • Sat, March 14 at 12:30pm, begin the game session by 1, to around 5pm - Starfinder, as above (finish above, or #1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet, or #1-14: Star Sugar Heartlove!)

  • Sun, March 15 at 2pm, to around 5pm - Fate: Alexandria's Library or Fate: Gods and Monsters

Stay heathy and play on!