I am aware that things have been pretty quiet on the social media front. The wonderful people that volunteer to make the Library happen in the Chief Librarian’s absence needed a nice break.
That break is now over!
Emerald City Comicon is our first event in 2020 and we have been gearing up to do some awesome things.
The biggest thing we have been working on is Inventory (yes, with a capital “i”.)
Can you imagine knowing what books are actually in the Library with a few keystrokes? We can! We have been working to inventory as much of the library as we can. Right before ECCC kicks off we will be doing a massive update to the Library Catalog. Even if the book you are looking for is not on the shelf at the event we can tell you if we have it, and make a note that it is wanted.
As for ECCC we will be in the Conference Center (aka The Annex) with the rest of the Gaming Dept. Make sure you check out all the awesome stuff happening.
See you there!