PAX West was insane! We met many new friends and had a bunch of old faces stop by as well. We crunched the numbers and tallied the games played. We were stunned! The library hosted 100 RPGs over PAX West this weekend. 100 games! Can you fathom that!? With an average game having 5 players that means 500 people got to play games. We had a few games that only had 3 players but we had games with 8+ at times. Then you think that we have not put the GMs in these numbers and now we are at 600... Okay 597 since I ran three games myself. We had as many people come through our library and play games as many local game conventions get in a weekend.
We also got more donations, some in cash, some via Patreon, and some in book or Box form. I have a ton of work to do to get the library catalog updated and need to start the video portion of projects soon.
I am at my day job now and need to get back to work, but I hope I can quit that and take this Library to more places and provide more content for everyone. Let's keep Gaming and keep spreading the word.