What is Alexandria RPG?
We are a nonprofit charity based in Washington State. We travel with a lending library to events to share role-playing games with others. When we are not at events we run games for at-risk youth, military service members with PTSD, senior citizens. The best part is that anyone that plays RPGs can help.
Take Action
A monetary donation will enable us to get the library into more events, improve transportation and storage of the library, and enable us to continue to build communities with books.
Share your passion
Share your passion for building a community of role-players in all walks of life. A Donation of your time, skills, and books helps us grow and keep helping people who need a good community.
Other ways to support the Library
You Can also help us grow via Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/AlexandriaRPG
Check out our Printful Affliate Link! Purchase nice shirts, hoodies, hats and other merch. Support the library and get that new hoodie you have wanted.
Share our posts on social media! This is probably the easiest to do. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Make comments and share the posts.